April 8, 2022 – Congratulations to the new inductees of the FLHS National Honor Society! On April 6, 102 juniors and seniors were inducted into the Society. They joined 60 seniors that were inducted last spring. "The legacy of the Virginia Anastosoff-Clark Chapter of the National Honor Society continues to burn bright as we inducted 102 new members. These students committed living out the pillars of the Society - scholarship, leadership, service and character - while at FLHS, and then wherever their journey continues,” said Advisor Victoria Velasco.
Thank you to Advisors Christopher Vaccaro and Victoria Velasco and the following who attended the event: FLHS Principal Gorski, Superintendent Norcia, Assistant Superintendent of Education Dr. Lacatena, family and friends, and the following Board of Education Trustees: Vice President Rosenberg, Joseph Baldofsky, Vladimir Itkin, Julie Mahan and Mark Spindel.
Please see list of Society inductees and current members (see program in photos).