School Messenger
Manage your Phone and Email Contacts with the new School Messenger App
The Fair Lawn School District utilizes an Emergency Broadcast system called SCHOOL MESSENGER to communicate with Staff and Parents/Guardians via phone, email and text. Messages include Snow Day/No School or Delayed Opening type “Emergency” calls and “General Calls” which are usually informational calls about school events.
Now you can download the School Messenger app which allows Staff and Parents/Guardians to edit their preferred contact for each type of message. You can also continue to manage your contact information by logging into School Messenger online. Contact Manager/InfoCenter is now simply:
All Staff and Parents are strongly encouraged to set up an account and manage their contact data and preferences. By default, Emergency Calls will be sent to ALL phone and emails listed for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2 contacts for your student. General calls will be sent to Parent/Guardian HOME and CELL numbers, unless you indicate otherwise.
Sign Up:
Download the School Messenger app from the (Apple) App Store or (Google) Play Store.
Enter the EMAIL ADDRESS you have on file with your child’s school (or your Fair Lawn school account if you are Fair Lawn staff).
You will receive an email from School Messenger with a link to access/setup your new account.
If you already have an account:
Log into (use email/password from previous InfoCenter or Contact Manager acct; Fair Lawn staff should use their school email address).
In the upper right corner click your NAME then PREFERENCES
Click an icon in each of the Message Type boxes and indicate which phone/cell/email contact you want to be used for that type of message.
Text YES to 675-87 to opt IN for text messages
School Hours Emergency: Emergency Calls DURING the School Day
Attendance: Not yet utilized
General: Informational calls
Survey: Not yet utilized
Non-School Hours Emergency: Snow Day/Delayed Opening type calls made BEFORE or AFTER school hours
Student Broadcast: ONLY FOR HS Student Cell Phone contacts