Summer Reading

Summer English assignments for students entering grades 1 – 12 can be found here

The Fair Lawn English Language Arts Department is excited to share our Summer Reading Initiative for all students based on feedback from the school community and in partnership with our school and public libraries. We continue to encourage our students to choose their own books (with some professional guidance).  However, our ultimate goal is to create an opportunity for students to read outside of school and to promote life-long reading interests and skills.  

Let’s not forget, reading is incredibly important.  Research suggests that reading a high volume of texts increases reading achievement. Along those lines, one aim of summer reading is to keep students connected to reading habits and comprehension skills that were practiced throughout the school year. Moreover, when reading becomes a person’s pastime, a new world of high-interest enjoyment and skill development emerges.

Have a safe and happy summer. We look forward to a successful opening of the new school year.